***All tees will be shipped out 24.07.2020
Special Edition Collaboration Tee with Ngaluwi Wambi.
Designed by Indigenous artist and club legend Josh Wood.
100% of all profits will be donated to Bridging The Gap and Blackfit to support health and education opportunities and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Club stands in solidarity, Black and Aboriginal Lives Matter.
This special release will be available for 7 days and will not be limited in quantity so that we can show maximum support.
See below details of the story behind the design by Josh:
Black lives matter
Sovereignty Never Ceded
And Blackbird Slavery.
The skull represents the Aboriginal deaths in custody, the Stolen Generation and the Genocide of the Aboriginal people.
The bandanna with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders colours symbolise the First Nation people of Australia and the 65,000 years of previous connection to this Land.
The Aboriginal colours With the cross hatch represents the copy rights of the Aboriginal flag that belongs to WAM clothing which is not owned by First Nation People and profits of the ownership and use of the Aboriginal Flag.
The Torres Straight Islander (TSI) colours represents the slavery of the TSI and South Sea Islander people ( SSI ) in the sugar cane industry and the thousands of man, women and children that where sold for slavery know as “Black Birding”.
The Sea Eagle Feather represents the ancestors of Aboriginal people that fly above us making sure we are save. It symbolise the strength and resilience of the Aboriginal people that in 230 years are now making up less the 3% of there own country.
The red meeting circles illustrate the coming together of the Aboriginal and non Aboriginal people to have “Solidarity” and sign a treaty with the First Nation People.
The yellow travelling lines represents the communities coming together for Reconciliation and Equity of all.
The white men with spear symbol, and woman symbol with gulaman represents the Ancestors of the Aboriginal people.